Research Assessment and Open Science Workshop: Towards a framework policy for EUTOPIA - Eutopia

openacrs's bookmarks 2022-01-06


EUTOPIA-TRAIN is developing a framework policy for research assessment and new (Open Science) metrics. This event will start a broad co-creation process across EUTOPIA to develop a framework policy for research assessment and the role of Open Science practices. During the workshop, participants will have an opportunity to learn about universities that have started a process of research assessment reform and to discuss and reflect on the way research is evaluated currently, and gather views on the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches. This workshop is targeted at researchers and academic staff, university leadership and administrative/support staff, doctoral candidates and everyone else interested in the topic of research assessment and/or Open Science.



01/06/2022, 02:50

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Tags: oa.assessment oa.policies oa.europe oa.open_science oa.eutopia oa.metrics

Date tagged:

01/06/2022, 07:50

Date published:

01/03/2022, 02:50