Community support discussions: FAIR implementation for NI4OS-Europe service providers | EOSCSecretariat
openacrs's bookmarks 2022-04-25
EOSC raises to become the “Web of FAIR data” calling data services to support responsible and effective Research Data Management (RDM) by enabling FAIR data workflows, behaviours, and outputs through their systems. That practically means the allocation of roles and responsibilities, adoption of principles/policies, and technical integrations and enhancements, such as adaptation to global standards. In order to reply to these questions, the NI4OS-Europe and OntoCommons projects have co-organised the workshop "Community support discussions: FAIR implementation for NI4OS-Europe service providers". During the 3-hours workshop, the participants have the opportunity to engage in tailored discussions with service providers to answer their FAIR-related questions and support their needs with respect to metadata, ontologies and semantics. In this interactive event, service providers will have the exceptional opportunity to learn about best practices from the experts of the NI4OS-Europe semantics experts group and the OntoCommons projects as well as present their services and get customised support.
04/25/2022, 13:18From feeds:
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