Artificial Intelligence and Independent Living - an ENIL presentation at SDS National Voice 2024 - YouTube

data_society's bookmarks 2024-04-26


I am happy to share my findings of a recently concluded study on assessing the opportunities and risks of Artificial Intelligence for independent living of people with disabilities. This project was commissioned by the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), funded by the European Disability Forum. 


We explain the crucial intersection between AI and independent living and capture the lived experiences of people with disabilities with automated technologies. We particularly highlight how AI reduces human intermediaries for people with disabilities in performing tasks of daily living, while also posing risks of privacy violation, abuse, and institutionalization.


The findings are published in the form of a fact sheet, available on ENIL’s website. I also presented this research at SDS Scotland’s National Voice Conference, a convening dedicated to the principles of independent living and deinstitutionalization. It was recorded, and is available on YouTube.


Best wishes,



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Date tagged:

04/26/2024, 17:39

Date published:

04/26/2024, 13:39