Sustainability Without Scarcity: Our New Business Model with Equity at the Core.
JoeMcArthur's bookmarks 2019-11-18
All of our products have been designed in partnership with libraries, from the ground up, in order to advance open while saving time, money, and improving essential services. We will never charge for these essential products. To us, this is the most important thing to ensure and for you to know. Our business model is simple: if our products are useful for your institution, we ask that you invest in them financially in exchange for peace of mind, recognition of your investment in open, and extra features (when they cost us to provide). We’re confident that your savings will far outweigh what we suggest that you invest. There are no complex contracts or lock-ins. Just a quick online form, an invoice, and tangible benefits for your leadership and investment in non-profit, community-owned open infrastructure. We call this our “leadership” plan.