How Journals and Publishers Can Help to Reform Research Assessment - Science Editor
investinopen's bookmarks 2019-05-03
- Cease the promotion of journal impact factors (ref)5
- Provide article metrics and indicators (ref)33
- Adopt the CRediT taxonomy for author contributions (ref)33
- Ensure that all reference data deposited with Crossref is open (ref)26
- Require authors to make all key data available according to FAIR principles (ref)19
- Follow the data citation principles (ref)17
- Encourage the use of unique identifiers (eg RRIDs; ref)18
- Require authors to use ORCIDs (ref)25
- Publish peer review reports and author responses along with the article (ref)21
- Examine ways to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the publishing process (ref)31 ..."
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