Focusing on health-care providers' experiences in the COVID-19 crisis

Zotero / K4D COVID-19 Health Evidence Summaries Group / Top-Level Items 2020-05-05

Type Journal Article Author Yang Xiong Author Lingli Peng URL Pages S2214109X2030214X Publication The Lancet Global Health ISSN 2214109X Date 29/04/2020 Journal Abbr The Lancet Global Health DOI 10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30214-X Accessed 2020-05-05 17:45:35 Library Catalog (Crossref) Language en Abstract The qualitative study by Qian Liuand colleagues2 in The Lancet Global Health is a good way to understand what health-care providers in Wuhan, China, experienced in the early stages of the pandemic. The researchers explored sufficient information to show what Chinese health-care providers had experienced and found that they had an extraordinary sense of responsibility and a strong spirit of teamwork when treating patients with COVID-19. Despite facing physical and psychological challenges, such as physical exhaustion due to heavy workloads, a lack of personal protective gear, the fear of becoming infected and infecting others, and feeling powerless to handle patients’ conditions, health-care providers showed amazing resilience.