Keeping COVID-19 at bay in Africa

Zotero / K4D COVID-19 Health Evidence Summaries Group / Top-Level Items 2020-05-05

Type Journal Article Author Munyaradzi Makoni URL Pages S2213260020302198 Publication The Lancet Respiratory Medicine ISSN 22132600 Date 29/04/2020 Journal Abbr The Lancet Respiratory Medicine DOI 10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30219-8 Accessed 2020-05-05 17:37:36 Library Catalog (Crossref) Language en Abstract The African Centre for Disease Control (Africa CDC), an African Union body partnering with the WHO Regional Office for Africa, is leading broad measures to control COVID-19. The disease has since accelerated in Africa, reaching 27427 cases, 1298 deaths, and 7474 recoveries as of April 24. Compared with the rest of the world, Africa’s infection rates are relatively low, but there is a growing sense of urgency given the acute absence of health-care infrastructure on the continent.