Explore open access books - Springer Nature & Digital Science event i…
TomMosterd's bookmarks 2019-10-03
"In September 2019, Digital Science and Springer Nature held a researcher event exploring the topic of open access books. This slide deck includes presentation slides from each session:
1. Why publish your book open access? (Rosalind Pyne, Director OA Books, Springer Nature) - slides 3-20 2. Live author Q&A with Eric Haines (lead editor 'Ray Tracing Gems and distinguished engineer at Nvidia) about his experience of publishing an open access book - slide 22 3. Understanding the value and impact of open books (Mike Taylor, Head of Metrics Development, Digital Science) Manager, Springer Nature) - slides 23-58 4. How MIT is Reimagining OA Books and Open Knowledge Infrastructure (Catherine Ahearn, Content Lead, PubPub MIT Knowledge Futures Group) - slides 58-75...."