Webinar: Analyzing Open - Gaining Insights into Global OA eBook Usage - OASPA

TomMosterd's bookmarks 2020-11-10


We are pleased to announce the next OASPA webinar which will explore questions around the effects of open access on books and how OA ebook usage data can be improved to better answer such questions in the future. 


How does open access affect the readership of scholarly books?  How can we use this information to encourage participation in and support for open access for books?  What questions about the effects of open access on books remain unanswered, and how can we improve data about OA ebook usage so we can better answer these questions in the future?

This panel brings together participants from publishing, libraries and academia to report back on the work being done in this area and its value, and discuss where we need to go next.



Lara Speicher (Head of Publishing at UCL Press), Ros Pyne (Director of Open Access Books at Springer Nature), Cameron Neylon (Director at COARD), and Christina Drummond (Data Trust Program Officer at the Educopia Institute) will explore open questions around the effects of open access on books and how OA ebook usage data can be improved to better answer such questions in the future.

Link to the registration page: https://cvent.me/rMw770



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » TomMosterd's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

11/10/2020, 03:28

Date published:

11/09/2020, 08:38