Open Access Books: How to Find, Acquire, and Use Them

TomMosterd's bookmarks 2021-06-01


Open Access Books: How to Find, Acquire, and Use Them

Over 40,000 open access academic books are now cataloged in the Directory of Open Access Books. This is, however, a subset of the titles becoming available thanks to increased funding, in both the US and Europe. Many are of extremely high quality and from well-known as well as innovative new publishers. Because library vendors struggle with the business model, there are obstacles for libraries in trying to acquire these titles. This presentation from the 2021 Annual Conference of the American Library Association explores the changing landscape of OA ebooks and describes successful strategies adopted by libraries to add them to collections and support their publishing, discovery, and use.


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Date tagged:

06/01/2021, 04:03

Date published:

06/01/2021, 00:03