e-Learning across Indian Schools and Universities, a MHRD directive - egoodnews

Moumita's bookmarks 2018-04-10


"National Repository of Open Educational ResourcesĀ (NROER) aims to make digital resources available for teachers and students as free and open source material. It is a collaborative platform, which brings together everyone interested in school and teacher education. It enables the participation of the community in development and sharing of digital resources, as well we facilitate the adoption and creation of digital resources in different Indian languages."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) Ā» lkfitz's bookmarks


oa.new oa.india oa.oer oa.green oa.infrastructure oa.platforms oa.languages oa.repositories oa.south

Date tagged:

04/10/2018, 11:06

Date published:

04/10/2018, 07:06