Open Access: Understanding the Mission, the Models, and the Mindsets

Moumita's bookmarks 2021-06-16


"Over the past 20 years, Open Access publishing has evolved from an aspirational idea into a widely accepted practice in scholarly communications. For those just getting started in publishing and scholarly communications, it can seem like everyone just "knows" what is meant by open access. But how OA is defined and how widely it is adopted differs among institutions, regions, and disciplines. Understanding how open access is funded, how it is operationalized, and to what extent content it is truly "open" can vary widely depending on the stakeholder—librarian, funder, publisher, or researcher. 

Attendees of this introductory workshop will learn about the history and evolution of open access, from the Budapest Open Access Initiative to Plan S, and explore the evolution from the original green and gold OA models to the latest transformative agreements and other business models.

Specifically, the workshop will cover:

  • Brief history of open access and its position in the broader context of Open Science
  • Different types of open access and how these definitions are contested
  • Affordances and limitations of open access
  • Perspectives of different stakeholders 
  • Approaches to funding models: transformative agreements, pure publish agreements, memberships, subventions, and micro-payments
  • Ways that open access may develop in the future..."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.business_models oa.history_of oa.intro oa.repositories oa.journals

Date tagged:

06/16/2021, 13:23

Date published:

06/16/2021, 09:23