Call for Papers | Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication | Pacific University Library
Tonydlp's bookmarks 2015-01-22
"Library and information professionals have a complex relationship with research data. We are curators of, advisors and educators about, advocates around, and producers and consumers of research outputs, sometimes wearing several of these hats at once. Because of its historical service role in higher education, the library is a trusted source for guidance regarding where to find data on the one hand and how to properly create, organize, store, secure, and preserve the results of research on the other. In addition, scholars are increasingly turning to the library to find the actual infrastructure for many of the supporting services they need, from institutional repositories to identifier assignment. However, the world of data lacks the ingrained standards and practices the library and academic community have built up over the years.
Within this context, JLSC is interested in exploring the many practices, questions, emerging standards, and needs for training necessary to realize the vision of treating research data (i.e. data intentionally generated or examined for the purposes of scholarly analysis) as a first class object of scholarly communication. In particular, we seek to catalyze, within our community of practice, discussion and knowledge exchange about data sharing, data publication and data citation. As co-editors of this special issue, we invite submissions in all of JLSC’s publication categories on the variety of issues surrounding data, including but certainly not limited to ..."