Recent developments in open access - News - Illinois State

Tonydlp's bookmarks 2021-03-24


Open access is a goal, not a methodology, and publishers, authors, readers, and funding institutions all continue to explore various options to offer creators that can remove barriers to accessing their works. While creators are often limited to the options offered by publishers and institutions, two recent developments in open access provide a new way forward and show an ongoing commitment to making scholarship more publicly accessible.



03/24/2021, 11:51

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป Tonydlp's bookmarks

Tags: oa.horizon2020 oa.publications oa.mit_press oa.open_science oa.horizon_europe oa.repositories oa.business_models oa.europe oa.d2o oa.books oa.direct_to_open

Date tagged:

03/24/2021, 15:51

Date published:

03/22/2021, 11:51