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There are currently 10 tags prefixed with u. in use in this hub.
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- oa.journals 382
- oa.americansocietyofcriminology 319
- 290
- 155
- oa.publishing 110
- oa.fees 82
- oa.agreements 73
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- 30
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- 19
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- 17
- 16
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- oa.peer_review 13
- 12
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- oa.economics_of 10
- oa.advocacy 10
- oa.platforms 10
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- oa.guerrilla 10
- oa.benefits 9
- 9
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- oa.rights-retention 9
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- 8
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- 7
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- 7
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- 6
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- oa.publications 5
- oa.doaj 5
- 5
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- oa.scholcomm 5
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- oa.subscribe_to_open 5
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- 5
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- oa.embargoes 4
- oa.unesco 4
- oa.prices 4
- oa.up 4
- oa.dentistry 4
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- oa.pubpub 4
- oa.databases 4
- 4
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- oa.publishers 4
- 4
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- 4
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- oa.monopoly 4
- oa.grants 4
- 4
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- 3
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- 3
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- 3
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- oa.irus 2
- 2
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- 1
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- 1
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- oa.penn_state.u 1
- 1
- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
- 1
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