Scientists have created an open-access fossil database - ScienceAlert

Njezire22's bookmarks 2015-02-26


"When it comes to figuring out exactly how and when life evolved on Earth, it's going to take a lot of great minds working together. To help make that process easier, a team of 20 palaeontologists, molecular biologists and computer scientists, including researchers from Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Australia, has just launched a huge online database of fossils from around the world - and they're hoping it'll help us piece together when and how groups of plants and animals first evolved.  Known as the Fossil Calibration Database, the free, online resource will be used to help date the branching points of the tree of life, and better map the origin of humans, plants and animals. It's the world's first open-access fossil database for molecular dating.  The database brings together peer-reviewed fossil information, and it will help scientists from around the world calibrate their 'molecular clocks' ..."


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Date tagged:

02/26/2015, 06:53

Date published:

02/26/2015, 01:53