SciDataCon – Call for Sessions | International Data Week

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-02-03


"...SciDataCon – Call for Sessions Proposals are invited for sessions at International Data Week’s SciDataCon 2022: Data to Improve our World. The deadline for proposals is 23:59 UTC on 14 February 2022. Submit your session proposal at

SciDataCon 2022: High-level Themes The overarching theme of International Data Week and SciDataCon 2022 is Data to Improve our World. In our post-pandemic future, humanity has an opportunity and obligation to address major challenges, including climate change, sustainable development, and disaster risk reduction. The digital revolution and the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’, the methods and practices of Open Science, and of FAIR data and services, give humanity the tools to do so. Embracing these possibilities requires engagement with society, rigorous research methods, and good practice in data science and data stewardship. The theme Data to Improve our World explores the nexus of these issues. The high-level themes of IDW 2022 and SciDataCon include:

Data to Improve our World: The role of data to address global challenges

The State of Open Science Globally

Research Transparency, Accountability, and Reproducibility

Data, Research and Industry: The Interface between Data-intensive Research and Innovation

Science and Society: Engagement and participation

Empowering and Enabling Society: Data Science and Stewardship Education and Data Literacy..."


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Date tagged:

02/03/2022, 03:04

Date published:

02/02/2022, 22:04