Sustain In 2021 Report | sustaining Open Source

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-02-20


"...The open source ecosystem is largely underfunded. The majority of open source projects on GitHub, for example, are either not in active development or were not released with a funding model. However, there is money available for some projects. That might be because they’re owned and operated by organizations, or because they're on a donation platform, or because they're supported by grants. Knowing where this money comes from - and where it goes - is difficult. But that information would be very valuable to many different types of open source participants.

As a maintainer, where do you look for grants? Are grants even viable, or should you look for other market solutions? There are no centralized resources for showing open source financial contributions, or for comparing the relative worth of these contributions against those from other companies...."


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » ioi_ab's bookmarks



Date tagged:

02/20/2022, 12:56

Date published:

02/20/2022, 07:56