Open Source Software for Libraries: from Greenstone to the Virtual Data Center and Beyond | IASSIST Quarterly, 2002-12 | Micah Altman

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-03-15


"...For the last several years, Open Source Software has dominated the infrastructure of Internet and web services. OSS continues to grow in this and other areas, and there are now over 50,000 open source software applications available for instant download. Among these are a number of high-quality packages that provide stand-alone digital library and OPAC functionality, as well as a host of other applications and toolkits that would be of great use in the development or enhancement of library services. The most popular Open Source Software projects produce software that is quite often more stable, secure, auditable, and extensible than commercial alternatives. Using OSS also makes the preservation of digital objects easier and less risky. Moreover, using OSS guarantees that the standards and protocols used in the library will always be open to examination, and helps the library community to build upon previous successes...."

DOI: Open Source Software for Libraries: from Greenstone to the Virtual Data Center and Beyond



03/15/2023, 01:43

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03/15/2023, 05:43

Date published:

12/15/2002, 00:43