Board Governance Training | Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, Arizona State University, US

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-04-11


"The ASU Lodestar Center’s board governance program is an effective tool in augmenting the knowledge of those who are experienced board members, as well as those who are new to board service. Every attendee or board member receives a training manual with resources, descriptions, examples, and exercises which help to build the capacity of the organization even after the training is completed. Each training can be geared to a specific audience, including: boards of directors, chief executive officers, board volunteers, corporations, small businesses, civil organizations, and any other group that would like to have their employees/members trained to be effective community leaders through service as board members. The full-day board training covers all topics and typically requires 6 hours of contact time. The material can be abbreviated for a shorter time-frame or built-out for custom workshops, or each respective module can be addressed in greater specificity in a seminar fashion. ...Cost: Estimated $4500 for a 6-hour training session for up to 25 participants...."



04/11/2023, 01:59

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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » ioi_ab's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

04/11/2023, 05:59

Date published:

04/11/2022, 01:59