CFP Program/Submissions - WikiConference North America, 10-12 November 2023 | Toronto | due June 30th
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-05-16
"This year, WikiConference North America's theme is Recent Changes, after the bountiful wiki stream: Emerging out of crisis in society, in tech, and in knowledge itself, we come together again as info-activists seeking a brighter future. How can we reimagine our communities and build that future based on the shared humanity of our free and open knowledge projects? This theme covers the vast changes in our world since the last in-person meeting in 2019, including:
- COVID and future of health
- information threats
- artificial intelligence as promise and peril
- technology trends
- regional communities revival
- latest research and update on Wikipedia / wiki projects..."
Event: WikiConference North America 2023, Toronto Reference Library in Toronto, Ontario from 10 to 12 November 2023