Fiscal Continuity interest group - Code4Lib

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-05-22


"The fiscal continuity IG is a group of people who are exploring options for setting up something that can act as an ongoing fiscal host for the annual Code4Lib conference. This group stems from a discussion begun in June of 2016 about "formalizing Code4Lib"; in particular, from a call by Coral Sheldon-Hess for folks to "self-nominate, to join a group to investigate making Code4Lib fiscally sustainable" This page is meant to both be a record of the activities of the IG and a central point for resources and discussions about fiscal continuity...."



05/22/2023, 00:06

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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project ยป ioi_ab's bookmarks


libraries developers librarians funding sustainability

Date tagged:

05/22/2023, 04:06

Date published:

12/29/2017, 23:06