LIBER Appoints New Executive Director - LIBER Europe | 05-06-2023 | Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-06-06


"LIBER is pleased to announce that Martine Pronk, current Interim Executive Director, will take on the position of Executive Director permanently. Martine will begin the role on August 1st 2023.   Martine Pronk will join LIBER after over 8 years working at Utrecht University Library. In her role as head of Academic Services and member of the senior management team, she held strategic responsibility for research and education support services, including in the field of Open Science. .... Martine has a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology and an Executive Master in Public and Non-Profit Management...."


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Date tagged:

06/06/2023, 13:45

Date published:

06/06/2023, 09:45