CU-PAC Cornell University Plant Anatomy Collection

lmichan's bookmarks 2022-01-30


CUPAC (Cornell University Plant Anatomy Collection) is an historically important collection of anatomical slide preparations of a wide array of plant parts. These slides include materials prepared by renowned Cornell Plant Anatomists, both for teaching and publication. Included are slides from the collections of Arthur Eames, Mary Wilde, David W. Bierhorst, Hal Moore and Natalie Uhl; and from other famous plant anatomists such as K. Esau, Johri and Maheshwari. Slides are being imaged by volunteers and undergraduate student workers, and simultaneously barcoded and databased. Post-processing involves automated resizing and labeling as well as magnification calibration that allows online measurement tools to be used as overlays on the images.


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database plant anatomy

Date tagged:

01/30/2022, 09:06

Date published:

01/30/2022, 04:06