Molecular interaction network - Rat

lmichan's bookmarks 2022-01-30


The Predicted Rat Interactome Database (PRID) is prepared through the integration of six types of evidence for functional gene associations from 10 public databases. It includes 305,939 gene associations, including predicted 302,693 functional associations and 3,246 experimentally reported interactions. These 302,693 functional associations are expected to cover 13.02% of the protein-protein interactions of rat. Approximately 52.59% of these functional associations are expected to represent protein-protein interactions. Based on this high-quality functional association network of PRID, the Gene Set Linkage Analysis (GSLA) tool is provided to interpret the potential functional impacts of the multiple simultaneously changed genes.


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database rat gene

Date tagged:

01/30/2022, 09:29

Date published:

01/30/2022, 04:29