CNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA)

lmichan's bookmarks 2022-01-30


CNGBdb is recognized by international journals and alliances. CNGBdb is designated as a data repository by Elsevier and the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), and recognized by Wiley & Oxford Publishing Group and Science journals; CNGBdb is certificated by FAIRsharing and is included in re3data, and the data submitted to CNGBdb is uniformly identified by DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​to promote sharing and utilization.

The CNSA is a system for archiving global omics data, dedicated to the storage, management and sharing of omics data, promotes the reuse of omics data and the development of life sciences.


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Date tagged:

01/30/2022, 09:46

Date published:

01/30/2022, 04:46