What we're working on: 2022-02-25 | Invest in Open Infrastructure

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-02-25


"...What we’re working on: We are exploring the challenges we would like to work on, and how. In the second week of our Strategy Retreat, IOI staff, Community Oversight Council and Steering Committee members discussed work values and expectations and defined what we need from each other. We also started identifying and understanding the top challenges that we should tackle as a group. This paves the way for us to start investigating solutions. ... We are exploring relevant models for better understanding infrastructure and continuing our conversations with community members to plan out the next stages of our work developing the Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services (COIs). We are investigating methods and tools used to finance sustainable water infrastructure. In an effort to learn from other sectors, we are investigating the efforts of the OECD and IRC to reach the sustainable development goal of ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all...."



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Date tagged:

02/25/2022, 14:56

Date published:

02/25/2022, 09:56