What we are working on: 2022-07-29 | Invest in Open Infrastructure

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-08-01


"What we are working on: We shared our year-in-review for the fiscal year 2021/22. Read for a summary of our leading activities and achievements last year – we’d like to express our sincere thanks to partners and supporters who enabled this work! As part of our effort to build more effective and accountable governance, we developed a Conflict of Interest Declaration and Policy. Read our latest blog post to find out more. On the research side, we have been looking at community governance models and practices in the scholarly communication and open research infrastructure contexts, and in the broader nonprofit space. The resulting memos are currently undergoing reviews - stay tuned for more later in August! We are also planning our community discussion on understanding and assessing the financial health of nonprofits in research and scholarship on 9 August, 12pm ET – register to join us! We welcomed Taimour Azizuddin, Naomi Penfold, and C. Samala as research affiliates. Taimour will be conducting user research to identify better the value propositions of the Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services (COIs) for our key stakeholder groups. Naomi will be researching the preprint cause. Samala will be conducting a feasibility study on various funding mechanisms and identifying opportunities for their application in the open infrastructure space. We also welcomed Carm Key-Mays as IOI’s Administrative Assistant Carm will be supporting our operations work and Executive Leadership, including supporting the Steering Committee and our governance work...."



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Date tagged:

08/01/2022, 01:32

Date published:

07/31/2022, 21:32