Open Access Workshop, Chennai | May 2004

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-03-30


"...This workshop aims to help Indian scientists (representing general and agricultural universities and government laboratories under the various councils and departments) to acquire the skills necessary to be able to set up and maintain institutional (or distributed) open archives. This workshop will provide training in Eprints software developed at the University of Southampton and the Open Archives Initiative Interoperability protocol....On a suggestion from Prof. M S Valiathan, President of the Indian National Science Academy, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation will be holding two identical three-day workshops (at MSSRF, Chennai) with a view to developing a cadre of open access experts in Indian higher educational institutions and government laboratories. We expect that before the end of the year at least a dozen institutions will have their own institutional archives up and running. There will be 20-24 participants in each workshop. Each participant and the faculty will have an Internet-connected computer on his/her desk. Dates: 2-4 May 2004 and 6-8 May 2004 Venue: M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Sambasivan Auditorium..."



03/30/2023, 04:13

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03/30/2023, 08:13

Date published:

05/30/2004, 04:13