Call for Proposals- The Global Impact of Library Publishing | IFLA Library Publishing SIG | deadline 30 April 2023
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-04-14
"Library publishing has a long history, coming into its own with the Internet, the proliferation of open source and proprietary publishing platforms, the rapid expansion of formal library publishing programs globally, and a vibrant international community of practice nurtured by the Library Publishing Coalition and IFLA’s Special Interest Group . Today, hundreds of libraries globally are engaged in numerous aspects of publishing, from local, informal initiatives, to extensive, diverse, and sophisticated formats. The growth of this area of library activity knows no bounds and continues to grow exponentially, gaining added impetus with open science, EDI, and bibliodiversity imperatives. The satellite seeks to explore how the growth of this passionate and energetic work by library publishers is impacting three areas of high value for society: (1) Library Publishing Supporting open science; (2) Library Publishing Supporting open pedagogy; and (3) Library Publishing Supporting an educated society. The SIG Program Committee enthusiastically solicits and welcomes proposals in each of our featured areas, with the aim of inspiring and engaging the IFLA community as our professionals pursue goals that are at the heart of library missions and values....
Date: Saturday, August 19, 2023 – 9:30 – 5:00 p.m. Location: Koninklijke Bibliotheek / Royal Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag...."