Rechtsfragen und Forschungsethik von Open Access im Open GLAM-Bereich. Impulse aus einer Diskussion  - Open Access Brandenburg

VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks 2022-06-02


Openness in cultural institutions is the topic of the hour. This is true not only for the Open GLAM community as a whole, but also for cultural institutions in Berlin and Brandenburg. Therefore, at the end of April 2022, we as a networking and competence center gladly accepted the offer to deepen perspectives on this complex in the context of a digital workshop by our colleagues from the Berlin Open Access Office. In the meantime, there is a nice report on the event: Berlin Open GLAM – Quo Vadis Landesinitiative?



06/02/2022, 08:04

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks


oa.vuk oa.german oa.germany oa.glam oa.ethics


Ben Kaden

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CC-By 4.0

Date tagged:

06/02/2022, 12:04

Date published:

05/12/2022, 08:04