Wissenschaft – Politik – Akteur*innen: Die Open-Access-Transformation nachhaltig gestalten | Zenodo

VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks 2022-11-01


Networking offices bring together regional actors, provide a platform for exchange on OA at the state level, and make activities related to openness in the state transparent. The offices act as multipliers, translate science and higher education policy strategies into concrete measures, and communicate requirements and needs from the state's institutions.

In this workshop, the three networking offices Open Access-Büro Berlin (University Library, Freie Universität Berlin), Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle Open Access Brandenburg (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam) and Landesinitiative openaccess.nrw will present their work. The OA speakers will report on lessons learned and particular challenges in the field of regional and national networking.




11/01/2022, 03:40

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks


oa.presentations oa.vuk oa.new oa.german oa.germany


Miriam Kötter, Katrin Falkenstein-Feldhoff, Ben Kaden, Linda Martin, Maxi Kindling, Maike Neufend

Copyright info:

CC BY 4.0

Date tagged:

11/01/2022, 07:40

Date published:

10/27/2022, 03:40