OA-Takeway: Open Access und Kulturerbe. - Open Access Brandenburg

VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks 2023-03-04


The topic of Open Culture is not quite the core business of the Networking and Competence Center at the moment. But we still like to keep an eye on it, at least on the sidelines. As we all know, the opening of cultural heritage collections and the utilization of digitized cultural objects by museums, for example, is part of the cultural shift toward openness. This is not only interesting for cultural enjoyment and remix practices, but of course also for so-called artistic research as well as generally from the perspective of open cultural data as open research materials. Therefore, as an Open Access takeaway, it should be briefly noted here that the Albertina Museum in Vienna is making large parts of its collections available in digital form via Europeana. In doing so, the museum is also setting an example for other museums. In an interview on the Europeana blog, Martina Pichler, head of the museum's online collections, explained the ideas behind this step.




03/04/2023, 01:52

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Ben Kaden

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Date tagged:

03/04/2023, 06:52

Date published:

01/10/2023, 01:52