OA-Takeaways: Die Abschlusserklärung der 16. Berlin Open Access Conference (06. und 07. Juni 2023) - Open Access Brandenburg

VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks 2023-08-24


A few days ago - on June 6 and 7, 2023 - the 16th Berlin Open Access Conference took place at the Harnack-Haus in Berlin-Dahlem. Like the previous editions, the event for international "Stakeholder und Entscheidungsträger der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation" was organized by the OA2020 initiative of the Max Planck Digital Library and Max Planck Society. In a way, the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Declaration gave the event a special idealistic weight and accordingly also and again took place at the historic location.




08/24/2023, 07:25

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Ben Kaden

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Date tagged:

08/24/2023, 11:25

Date published:

06/16/2023, 07:25