Sea Change: Community-Centered Planning in an Era of Risk and Uncertainty – Common Edge | 2021

ioi_emmy's bookmarks 2022-04-07


"At the end of the three-day convening in Bellagio, we outlined a set of guiding principles:  

  • Promote the highest principles of honesty and integrity in all planning for transformational change. 
  • Establish and maintain equity and agency for all people in determining future paths forward. 
  • Develop and apply proven scientific and evidence-based data in the creation of all future development decisions and plans.
  • Make immediate systemic and sustainable investments that maximize the impact of our limited public resources. 
  • Engage and educate whole communities in the need for systemic and transformational solutions. "


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » ioi_emmy's bookmarks



Date tagged:

04/07/2022, 10:53

Date published:

04/07/2022, 06:53