How Funders Can Help Fill Critical Gaps in Technology for Social Good

ioi_emmy's bookmarks 2022-04-26


Written by Katy Knight and Laura Maher, Siegel Family Endowment

  • In the Physical Dimension, We Need People
  • In the Social Dimension, We Need Governance
  • In the Digital Dimension, We Need Options

Philanthropy Can Help Fuel an Ethical, Equitable Innovation Ecosystem

"Philanthropy is society's risk capital."

  1. Demonstrating what's possible
  2. Infusing nuance into the conversation
  3. Investing in the next generation of public interest technologists


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project ยป ioi_emmy's bookmarks



Date tagged:

04/26/2022, 04:03

Date published:

04/26/2022, 00:03