Introducing Our Workforce Strategy Series: Building an Equitable Innovation Economy | Siegel Family Endowment

ioi_emmy's bookmarks 2022-05-17


"We’re asking how to bring innovative capacity closer to many who are now left out, and make the rewards of innovative ideas accessible to everyone. As such, our vision is to promote an equitable innovation economy, one that enables all people and their communities to achieve economic prosperity. 

In the next few weeks, we’ll highlight our revised approach to inquiries into three areas that we believe can lead to more equitable participation in the innovation economy: community-driven innovation, spurred on by the sustainable financing of lifelong skilling and access to empowering social connections."


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » ioi_emmy's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

05/17/2022, 05:09

Date published:

05/17/2022, 01:09