SciELO 20 Years and the future of journals: opine, comment, question | SciELO in Perspective

Items tagged with oa.scielo in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2018-08-02


"The relevance of journals, national collections of the SciELO Network, the Program in its entirety, and its transition to open science are the main topics that guide the program of the SciELO 20 Years Week. The meeting will take place in the week of September 24th to 28th and it is designed as a broad discussion forum on the future of journals that is characterized by being open to the participation of all stakeholders and interested parties. The journals have been called upon to renew their editorial policies in line with the advance of best practices of open science communication that provides, except for special conditions, the full and open description of the methods, materials and results of the research they publish. The classic article, thus, goes on to be accompanied by several other research communication components. The goal is to maximize research transparency, reproducibility, and impact. This is a remarkable and challenging breakthrough that promises benefits for all actors involved in research communication: researchers – in all their roles, of authors, readers and research users –, research institutions, publishers, journals, bibliographic indexes, authorities, science and technology managers, public policies, and the general public as a whole...."


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Date tagged:

08/02/2018, 12:14

Date published:

08/02/2018, 08:14