The Road to Preprints (Part 2): SciELO’s Preprint Server | Public Knowledge Project

Items tagged with oa.scielo in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2020-03-17


By Abel Packer (Director and Co-Founder, SciELO) and Alex Mendonça (Online Submission Coordinator, SciELO) The SciELO Program adopted preprints as the initial step of its research communication flow in part to align with SciELO’s open science modus operandi to improve transparency, collaboration among researchers and disseminations of scientific knowledge. SciELO is a pioneer of open access publishing and the alignment with open science research practices was a natural advancement. The SciELO Publishing Model is also enriching journals with research data management communication functions and open peer review options. In the coming three to five years it is expected that most of SciELO journals will be operating within the open science modus operandi.



03/17/2020, 16:08

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03/17/2020, 20:08

Date published:

03/03/2020, 15:08