Boosting EOSC readiness: Creating a scalable model for capacity building in RDM | EOSCSecretariat

Items tagged with oa.scielo in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-05-08


A team from the University of Belgrade carried out the the Co-creation activity titled “Boosting EOSC readiness: Creating scalable model for capacity building in RDM” from 1 July 2020 to 1 March 2021, with the final event held on 9 March 2021. The project resulted in a web portal in Serbian language with guidelines and training materials, a Serbian Research Data Repository (SERDAR) based on the Dataverse open-source software, recommendations for the application of Argos for creation of a machine-actionable Data Management Plan (maDMP) and its translation into Serbian language, as well as recommendations for updates of open science policies with articles related to research data.



05/08/2021, 12:09

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Date tagged:

05/08/2021, 16:09

Date published:

05/07/2021, 12:09