SciELO Books 10 Years, March 31, 2022

Items tagged with oa.scielo in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-03-18


With a notable contribution to the visibility of academic publishers and their catalogues, the SciELO Books collection celebrates 10 years of operation with the development of state-of-the-art infrastructure and capabilities for publishing digital academic books. Upon completing 10 years, the SciELO Books collection operates in network with 20 active publishers. The collection comprises around 1,600 books, of which 62% are open access. There are more than 13,000 chapters in open access. In the past ten years, open access books have served an annual average of more than 1 million downloads. SciELO Books is an integral part of the SciELO Program led by FAPESP, with support from CAPES and CNPq and relies on the sponsorship of the Associação Brasileira de Editoras Universitárias (ABEU) and the Asociación de Editoriales Universitarias de América Latina y el Caribe (EULAC). It is also a member of the Directory of Open Access Books Trusted Platform. The books from SciELO Books are available in the main commercial eBook stores like Amazon, Google, Kobo, and in search engines (Discovery Services) such as OCLC WorldCat, ExLibris, EBSCO, DOAB, OpenLibrary, and Internet Archive. The event to celebrate the 10th anniversary of SciELO Books is intended as a forum for the recognition of advances and challenges and, above all, for a debate on the future of the digital book in the light of open access and open science.  


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Date tagged:

03/18/2022, 05:33

Date published:

03/18/2022, 01:33