A Ciência Aberta nas Humanidades | SciELO em Perspectiva

Items tagged with oa.scielo in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-06-11


From Google's English: "The scientific world has been undergoing a silent revolution. After centuries based on standards centered on the secrecy of laboratories and the anonymity of scientific evaluation, several disciplines are gradually migrating to what we call the Open Science Program (PCA). This involves a series of transparency policies that range from the availability of data used in research to the opening of opinions in the article evaluation process. However, few still know about the impact of these transformations in the different areas of the Humanities, which bring together from fields such as Philosophy and History to Social and Human Sciences, such as Sociology and Psychology, passing through the areas of Applied Social Sciences, such as Administration, and Education. It was with the aim of monitoring this process and its main challenges that the SciELO Program held the event Open Science in the Humanities between the 17th and 18th of May. In total, there were six tables with more than two dozen editors and specialists discussing the consequences of the PCA for the area, its potentials and limits. The first table was dedicated to the challenges of PCA in the Humanities. The director of the SciELO program, Abel Packer, and the deputy director of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC), Lia Machado Fialho, presented data on the adherence of the Platform's journals to open science practices. Despite being slow, the incorporation of these practices in the collection is not far from what happens in other areas. Furthermore, there is a whole plurality and creativity in this process, encouraged by the table as a whole. Finally, Professor Fernanda Beigel (University of Cuyo) highlighted the importance of considering regional and international inequalities in this process of spreading the PCA through the Humanities."



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oa.ssh oa.spanish oa.open_science oa.humanities scielo events

Date tagged:

06/11/2022, 09:38

Date published:

06/11/2022, 05:38