ORFG Releases New Resources to Facilitate Funders' Open Research Policies — Open Research Funders Group

Items tagged with oa.orfg in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-06-10


"At the ORFG, one of our priorities is to advise funders on the development of policies that stimulate the sharing of research outputs like articles, data, and more. We aim to meet funders where they currently are on their policy journey, and help them tailor policies that best fit their organization’s mission and goals. But we understand this can be a challenging process – gathering information on the wide range of sharing practices, crafting clear language, and finding examples of good practices to pull from takes time, energy, and can be a significant barrier.   That’s why we're excited to share our newest resources, designed to make policy development as easy as possible for funders. The first resource, our Policy Clause Bank, includes sample language for policies covering a range of different scholarly outputs and sharing practices. The goals here are two-fold: one, that funders can see how their peer organizations are phrasing certain requirements (each example links out to the funder policies it was adapted from), and two, that funders can identify the plug-and-play language that best fits their needs and incorporate it into their policies with very minimal changes.   The second resource, our Policy Generator, is a full-service complement to the self-service Policy Clause Bank. It facilitates the process of selecting the policy language that is right for each funder. The Policy Generator is a Google form with questions that guide funders through the process of choosing policy characteristics that align with funder goals and operations. Based on the selected responses, the ORFG policy team will develop a customized draft plan for any interested funder, quickly and at no charge. These tools are intended both for funders who are developing a new policy, and also for those who would like to revise an existing policy by including new research products or requirements. ..."



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Date tagged:

06/10/2022, 11:38

Date published:

06/10/2022, 07:38