Optimising (RDA) Open Science Frameworks and Guidelines in the context of EOSC – Round 2 | EOSC Future Funding Platform

Items tagged with oa.eosc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-12-26


"This call invites applications from research groups, including the RDA groups, to demonstrate how RDA-developed data sharing concepts and solutions can be reused, optimised and implemented in the EOSC context, particularly in the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Portal Catalogue and Marketplace. EOSC is building a federated infrastructure to support Europe’s data output and works to enable the discovery and re-use of FAIR research data. In this context RDA plays a key role to underpin new and existing pathways to sharing research data. Many specifications already exist in RDA for data sharing and these can be refined and further developed via this call. A wide range of activities – including promotional, analysis and technical documentation activities – can be funded through this call (described in more detail in section “What types of activities can be funded?”) RDA provides an open forum where solutions are discussed and experiences are shared via its global community. EOSC is a new concept for many research communities and work still needs to be done to understand and enable data  sharing and re-use across the research lifecycle, by making content FAIR and discoverable via a federated system such as EOSC. RDA is running a series of calls, as part of the EOSC Future project, to further enable integration and take up of EOSC services. The purpose of these RDA Open Calls is to engage the data sharing community from a bottom up approach to contribute their know-how to EOSC. This call specifically targets small projects to show implementation and take-up of existing outputs and specifications, specifically those that the RDA community has enabled. The call aims to support and encourage  adoption of existing RDA outputs and recommendations which can benefit the community around EOSC and to promote new examples and lessons learnt. See a list of currently funded RDA/EOSC Future Open Call projects here...."



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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.eosc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
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oa.rda oa.open_science oa.data oa.cft europe eosc

Date tagged:

12/26/2022, 09:39

Date published:

12/26/2022, 04:39