CLACSO´s Declaration on open access to knowledge managed as a commons by the scholarly community
Items tagged with oa.redalyc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2019-02-06
"In a large part of the world a significant portion of scientific research and the production of knowledge within the academic environment are publicly funded, and the means for scholarly communications are managed and funded by the scholarly community.
In some parts of the world, mainly in Europe and North America, for decades the scientific and academic sector has outsourced to commercial publishers much of the scholarly communications published in journals and books, and also the production of indicators necessary for evaluating research, resulting in an enclosure which makes access difficult to these services managed with commercial priorities.
The disproportionate increase in prices and the embargoes of these international services to access publications whose contents, authors and reviewers are largely financed with public funds, together with the opportunities provided by Internet and the Web to have open and participatory scholarly communications, have contributed to the raise of the international open access movement, which over the past 20 years has achieved significant progress in the number, quality and editorial strength of freely available publications in the web, as well as progress in national and institutional policies that require that the outcome of publicly funded research be available in open access.
Concerned about this situation that requires us to ask ourselves about the public role of scientific and academic knowledge in our societies, and about the negative impact of the commercialization of knowledge and its indicators, CLACSO members gathered at its triennial Assembly in Medellin, Colombia, on November 10th, 2015, support the agreement signed by CLACSO with UAEM-Redalyc to provide open access to a collection of more than 700 Iberoamerican social science journals and support the promotion of the following principles for scholarly communications...."
02/06/2019, 07:18From feeds:
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