RLUK DSF | Realising a vision for the digital shift: RLUK’s Digital Shift Manifesto 2 years on - YouTube

Items tagged with oa.rluk in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-06-29


"Realising a vision for the digital shift: RLUK’s Digital Shift Manifesto 2 years on In May 2020, RLUK launched its digital shift manifesto. The manifesto provided an ambitious vision for the research library community regarding the ongoing digital shift in its collections, spaces, stakeholder relations, and skills. Although envisaged and developed before Covid-19, the launch and implementation of the manifesto coincided with the pandemic. We’ve experienced and learnt a lot during this time. In this interactive and discursive symposium, the current members of RLUK’s digital shift working group reflect on the ambitions of the manifesto and the future challenges and opportunities facing the community around the digital shift. How can we build on the manifesto’s vision, its success over the last two years, and seize our collective learning from the Covid-19 pandemic? The symposium also includes contributions from those colleagues who originally contributed to manifesto’s creation, and colleagues who have used the manifesto in their work...."



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Date tagged:

06/29/2022, 10:11

Date published:

06/29/2022, 06:11