Workshop invitation: Innovative business models for open access book publishing in Europe | OASPA

Items tagged with oa.operas in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-03-23


Workshop: Innovative business models for open access book publishing in Europe Wednesday 7th April, 14:00-16:00 CEST  OASPA is supporting the work of the OPERAS-P project which is looking into innovative, non-bpc business models to create a sustainable infrastructure for open access book publishing in Europe. Following the publication of a library landscape study, investigating the opportunities for developing collaborative library funding models, and a series of publisher-specific case study interviews, we would now like to invite publishers to participate in a series of workshops highlighting the diversity of different business models being adopted within Europe. Together with OPERAS, we will be hosting three European-focussed* workshops on business models for open access books targeted specifically at small and medium-sized academic book publishers. These workshops will be free and open to publishers that already publish open access books as well as those considering starting open access book publishing – from within and outside of Europe. While the first workshop will be informative in nature, the following two will be organized as interactive in-depth workshops focused on challenging areas in the OA books publishing process. It is our pleasure to invite you to the first workshop to be held on April 7th at 14:00-16:00 CEST. Please find a brief description and registration link below.


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Date tagged:

03/23/2021, 08:25

Date published:

03/23/2021, 04:25