Report published: OPERAS-P and OASPA workshop on innovative business models for OA books - OASPA

Items tagged with oa.operas in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-04-23


"Together with OPERAS, OASPA is hosting a series of three workshops on business models for open access books targeted specifically at small and medium-sized academic book publishers. These workshops are part of the OPERAS-P project work package 6 (Innovation), looking into innovative, non-bpc, business models to create a sustainable infrastructure for open access book publishing in Europe*. Feedback gathered in the course of these three workshops will inform a report on innovative business models for OA books and will be published by the end of June 2021 as an OPERAS-P project result. The first of the three events took place on April 7th, for which we invited six publishers from Finland, Croatia, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom to present their business models for open access book publishing. Each of these publishers shared their experiences and insights with an emphasis on Revenue, Costs, Legal Affairs and Workflows (Production and Distribution). ..."


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Tags: oa.reports oa.recommendations oa.oaspa oa.business_models oa.books oa.best_practices recommendations events operas europe

Date tagged:

04/23/2021, 09:31

Date published:

04/23/2021, 05:32