OPERAS-P project holds Final Meeting at June 29

Items tagged with oa.operas in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-06-25


On June 29, the final meeting of the OPERAS-P project will gather communities to present and discuss the results of the closing project and reflect together on the way forward to make Open Science a reality in the Social Sciences and Humanities.  The OPERAS-P project has supported the development of the OPERAS research infrastructure by advancing its development in view of achieving its scientific, technical and community maturity.  The programme of the meeting will include the presentation of the vision, mission and organisation of the OPERAS infrastructure, the role of its national communities, its governance model, its Special Interest Groups, as well as innovation and perspectives for the future - basing on the results from OPERAS-P work - and the building of the infrastructure in a community-driven process.  The detailed programme is available on the OPERAS blog.



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Date tagged:

06/25/2021, 05:04

Date published:

06/25/2021, 01:04