Open Metadata in Thoth | Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
Items tagged with oa.copim in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2020-11-24
Based on the recommendations set out in the WP5 Scoping Report, the development of open metadata management and dissemination system Thoth has been going ahead, and we’re now at the point that two scholar-led open-access publishers, punctum books and Open Book Publishers, are using Thoth for their day-to-day metadata management. The next step in our process will be to create a variety of metadata output formats, such as different flavors of ONIX, MARCXML, and BibTeX, which will allow users of Thoth to easily expose and transfer their metadata to other platforms, such as digital repositories, libraries, and vendors.
At the moment that metadata imported, edited, and stored inside Thoth leave the system, we encounter the question of the licensing of the book and chapter metadata that are exported. More than often, publication metadata records do not come with an explicit license, which creates an undesirable uncertainty as to the precise terms under which metadata can be (re)used and altered. This is only one of the many challenges faced by the scholarly communications community with regard to the processing of metadata (Gregg et al. 2019).
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